Clinician Advisor

Gajen Sunthara is a Clinician Advisor for the Innovation and Digital Health Accelerator at Boston Children’s Hospital. Prior to this role, he helped tech-architect President Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative at the White House, worked at The United States Digital Service (USDS), and served as a Presidential Innovation Fellow (PIF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT. While in both public service roles, he worked with multiple government agencies including the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), Veteran Affairs (VA), and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on the national healthcare information exchange.

He also holds a Senior Advisor role for both InciteHealth at the Center for Primary Care at Harvard Medical School and the Silicon Valley based startup Sherbit. In addition, he is the founder of 1upHealth, platform that aggregates health data for patients, providers and apps ecosystems.

Gajen has a B.Sc. in Computer Science from Wentworth Institute of Technology and a M.S. in Information Technology from Harvard University.

Favorite Innovation

Wearables and virtual reality like Google Glass, Microsoft HoloLens

Works on

EHR, Cerner, EPIC, FHIR, SMART, Apps, Devices


EHR, Cerner, EPIC, FHIR, SMART, Apps, Devices, Government, VA, DOD, CMS, HHS, NIH, PMI