The IDHA team has the ability to develop novel digital health solutions when innovation opportunities arise. In order to continually assess and understand opportunities for innovation from within our own enterprise, our team collects healthcare pain points (e.g. inefficiencies, challenges, problems, or obstacles) from across the hospital. This collection of pain points supports IDHA in identifying areas across the entire spectrum of pediatric care that could benefit from digital health innovation.
Boston Children’s staff who have identified a challenge or pain point that affects the healthcare community can share the pain point through the IDHA Pain Point Generator. There is no further engagement expected of staff members who share pain points via the Pain Point Generator – the IDHA team reviews pain points shared via the generator and, if applicable, identifies any opportunities for further innovation or solution development.
Staff who are interested in actively participating in the innovation process and partnering with IDHA to explore a novel digital solution to a pain point or challenge should instead submit a request for Advisory Services through the Advisory Services Request Form.