The EBGs application is a digitization of the evidence based guidelines (EBGs) specific to Boston Children’s Hospital –making the decision making of leading pediatric practitioners readily available.
Project Overview
Evidence based guidelines (EBGs) are enterprise-specific algorithms for common clinical scenarios based on the best available evidence, as interpreted and agreed upon by clinicians. These care pathways represent the optimal standard-of-care for their indicated conditions and are based on clinical research, patient outcomes data, and clinician experience.
The EBG platform consists of a web-based dashboard for creating and editing of care pathways by clinicians. Once approved for use, the care pathway is then made available in a web and mobile compatible application. The application enables rapid identification and initiation of an EBG. Once initiated, the clinician is guided through the care pathway with interactive tools (e.g. dosing calculators, reference charts).
The EBG platform provides a single source of truth to manage the digital content for Clinical Pathways leveraged at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Healthcare Context
Most healthcare systems employ some form of clinical guidelines to help improve consistency of care, improve efficiency, and communicate best practices. By capturing a clinician’s data and evidence driven decision making, EBGs enable all practitioners to standardize resource use and quality of care delivery. Boston Children’s Hospital is one of the leaders in having developed and deployed over 40 EBGs in the hospital across multiple disciplines. Digitizing the static EBGs to make them readily available improves ease of understanding and usage, particularly for new residents.
Interested in learning more about EBGs?
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